Results for 'Paola Premoli de Marchi'

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  1.  12
    La fiducia come sentimento positivo e come risposta della persona dotata di rilevanza etica.Premoli De Marchi Paola - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (2):69-95.
    This paper aims to investigate the nature of trust in others. First, we argue that the feeling of trust is an important phenomenon of human existence, but it is not the true root of trust in others. Trust is above all an intentional response of the person, one that must be motivated and adequate to its object. When we trust, we entrust a good that is important to another person so that he or she can take care of it. For (...)
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    The Axiology of Dietrich von Hildebrand. From Phenomenology to Metaphysics.Paola Premoli de Marchi - 2022 - Phenomenology and Mind 23:108-119.
    In what follows, I would like to trace Dietrich von Hildebrand’s thinking on the nature of axiological properties. Hildebrand begins his analysis from the phenomenology of what we experience as important and distinguishes three categories of importance: the subjectively satisfying, the value and the objective good of the person. He then moves on to metaphysical analysis to clarify whether the categories describe properties of objects and concludes that the foundation of all importance is value, the intrinsic preciousness. He also examines (...)
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    Etica dell'assenso: se accettare i principi morali sia un problema della volontà.Paola Premoli De Marchi - 2002 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Capolavoro e mistero: esperienza e verità dell'essere umano.Alessandra Modugno & Paola Premoli De Marchi (eds.) - 2021 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    Dietrich von Hildebrand and the Birth of Love as an I-Thou Relation.Paola Premoli De Marchi - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (2):145-160.
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  6. The Role of Relationality in the actualization of the person.Paola De Marchi - 2003 - Aletheia 7:221.
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    Mill's unrevised philosophy of economics: A comment on Hausman.Neil de Marchi - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (1):89-100.
    Hausman has argued that Mill in the Logic demands verification of qualified, inexact statements if they are to be considered lawlike. This puts Mill in line with a reasonable interpretation of what modern microeconomists are about, but requires the additional hypothesis that Mill abandoned his earlier stress on modal truth in his 1836 essay on the method of economics. The paper maintains that neither textual nor contextual evidence supports this hypothesis. Moreover, it is superfluous if one attends carefully to how (...)
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    (1 other version)The Popperian Legacy in Economics: Papers Presented at a Symposium in Amsterdam, December 1985.Neil de Marchi - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume examines why Sir Karl Popper's view of empirical falsifiability as the distinguishing characteristic of science has found appeal among economists.
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  9. Autori greci nelle epistole di Jacopo Corbinelli (Mss. Ambros. B 9 inf.; T 167 sup.).Rita Calderini de Marchi - 1915 - Milano,: U. Hoepli.
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    J. Dickie, J. Foot e F.M. Snowden (a cura di), "Disastro! Disasters in Italy since 1860".B. De Marchi - 2002 - Polis 16 (2):304-307.
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  11. Reluctant partners : aesthetics and market value, 1708-1871.Neil de Marchi - 2009 - In Jack Amariglio, Joseph W. Childers & Stephen Cullenberg, Sublime economy: on the intersection of art and economics. New York: Routledge.
  12. Smith on ingenuity, pleasure, and the imitative arts.Neil de Marchi - 1996 - In Knud Haakonssen, The Cambridge companion to Adam Smith. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  13. The Popperian Legacy in Economics and Beyond.Neil de Marchi (ed.) - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
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  14.  31
    Reviewing Paradox Theory in Corporate Sustainability Toward a Systems Perspective.Simone Carmine & Valentina De Marchi - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):139-158.
    The complexity of current social and environmental grand challenges generates many conflicts and tensions at the individual, organization and/or systems levels. Paradox theory has emerged as a promising way to approach such a complexity of corporate sustainability going beyond the instrumental business-case perspective and achieving superior sustainability performance. However, the fuzziness in the empirical use of the concept of “paradox” and the absence of a systems perspective limits its potential. In this paper, we perform a systematic review and content analysis (...)
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  15.  19
    Appraising Economic Theories: Studies in the Methodology of Research Programs.Mark Blaug & Neil de Marchi (eds.) - 1991 - Edward Elgar.
    Papers produced for a conference of economists, economic methodologists and historians of economics, convened to reflect on the question of whether MSRP - the methodology of scientific research programmes - has proved useful in the light of 20 years' experience.
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  16.  78
    Making a Case When Theory is Unfalsifiable.Abraham Hirsch & Neil de Marchi - 1986 - Economics and Philosophy 2 (1):1.
    Milton Friedman's famous methodological essay contains, along with much else, some strands that look as though they were taken from the “empirical-scientific” fabric described by Karl Popper. Think, for example, of Friedman's conviction that the way to test a hypothesis is to compare its implications with experience. Or of his more or less explicit espousal of the view that while no amount of facts can ever prove a hypothesis true, a single “fact” may refute it. Or of his assertion that (...)
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  17. More Heat than Light: Economics as Social Physics, Physics as Nature's Economics, Philip Mirowski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, xii + 450 pages. [REVIEW]Neil de Marchi - 1992 - Economics and Philosophy 8 (1):163.
  18.  73
    Models of non-well-founded sets via an indexed final coalgebra theorem.Benno van Den Berg & Federico de Marchi - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (3):767-791.
    The paper uses the formalism of indexed categories to recover the proof of a standard final coalgebra theorem, thus showing existence of final coalgebras for a special class of functors on finitely complete and cocomplete categories. As an instance of this result, we build the final coalgebra for the powerclass functor, in the context of a Heyting pretopos with a class of small maps. This is then proved to provide models for various non-well-founded set theories, depending on the chosen axiomatisation (...)
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  19.  46
    Non-well-founded trees in categories.Benno van den Berg & Federico De Marchi - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 146 (1):40-59.
    Non-well-founded trees are used in mathematics and computer science, for modelling non-well-founded sets, as well as non-terminating processes or infinite data structures. Categorically, they arise as final coalgebras for polynomial endofunctors, which we call M-types. We derive existence results for M-types in locally cartesian closed pretoposes with a natural numbers object, using their internal logic. These are then used to prove stability of such categories with M-types under various topos-theoretic constructions; namely, slicing, formation of coalgebras , and sheaves for an (...)
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  20.  53
    An ontology of suspicious software behavior.André Grégio, Rodrigo Bonacin, Antonio Carlos de Marchi, Olga Fernanda Nabuco & Paulo Lício de Geus - 2016 - Applied ontology 11 (1):29-49.
    Malicious programs have been the main actors in complex, sophisticated attacks against nations, governments, diplomatic agencies, private institutions and people. Knowledge about malicious program...
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  21.  13
    Idealization Vi: Idealization in Economics.Bert Hamminga & Neil De Marchi (eds.) - 1994 - Rodopi.
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    Dental students' perception regarding their training on geriatrics.LuisGustavo Souza, RenatoJosé De Marchi, SorayaFernandes Mestriner, PatriciaTávora Bulgarelli & AlexandreFavero Bulgarelli - 2017 - Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry 7 (1):15.
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  23. (1 other version)Life and Works of Giovanni Vailati.Paola Cantù & De Zan Mauro - 2009 - In Cantù Paola & De Zan Mauro, Life and Works of Giovanni Vailati. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
    The paper introduces Vailati’s life and works, investigating Vailati’s education, the relation to Peano and his school, and the interest for pragmatism and modernism. A detailed analysis of Vailati’s scientific and didactic activities, shows that he held, like Peano, a a strong interest for the history of science and a pluralist, anti-dogmatic and anti-foundationalist conception of definitions in mathematics, logic and philosophy of language. Vailati’s understanding of mathematical logic as a form of pragmatism is not a faithful interpretation of Peano’s (...)
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  24.  27
    Sri Lanka : conflits socio-environnementaux et projets de développement.Paola Bianca Camisani & Priscilla De Roo - 2019 - Multitudes 75 (2):205-211.
    Cet article analyse les situations d’injustice environnementale au Sri Lanka, en comparant vingt-six conflits socio-environnementaux identifiés dans l’Atlas mondial de la justice environnementale. Ils sont été compilés par l’auteur, en collaboration avec des activistes du Center for Environmental Justice (CEJ) du Sri Lanka. En nous appuyant sur différentes sources (rapports d’ONG, journaux, blogs, sources gouvernementales, déclarations commerciales et articles universitaires), et en privilégiant une approche d’écologie politique, nous analysons quelles sont les activités économiques qui génèrent des affrontements, quels acteurs y (...)
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    Idealization Vi: Idealization in Economics.Bert Hamminga & Neil B. De Marchi (eds.) - 1994 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Introduction. Bert HAMMINGA and Neil DE MARCHI: Préface. Bert HAMMINGA and Neil DE MARCHI: Idealization and the Defence of Economics: Notes Toward a History. Part I: General Observations on Idealization in Economics. Kevin D. HOOVER: Six Queries about Idealization in an Empirical Context. Bernard WALLISER: Three Generalization Processes for Economic Models. Steven COOK and David HENDRY: The Theory of Reduction in Econometrics. Maarten C.W. JANSSEN: Economic Models and Their Applications. Adolfo GARCÍA DE LA SIENRA: Idealization and Empirical Adequacy (...)
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    Applying the SRL vs. ERL Theory to the Knowledge of Achievement Emotions in Undergraduate University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, Manuel Mariano Vera & Paola Paoloni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A subjetividade ideal na BNCC: reflexões sobre a formação na Educação Básica.Jeice Campregher, Rita de Cássia Marchi & Cássia Ferri - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):979-1012.
    Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a subjetividade/identidade desejada e propagada no documento da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). O documento voltado à formação dos estudantes da educação básica em território brasileiro é tomado, na presente discussão, em sua natureza duplamente política. Para tal, parte-se de uma perspectiva epistemológica pluralista, utilizando-se de conceitos-ferramenta de base foucaultiana e de autores da Sociologia, a saber, Norbert Elias, Zigmunt Bauman, Claude Dubar e Stuart Hall. A partir da discussão de subjetividade, (...)
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    Present Trends of French Philosophical Thought: Introduction.Paola Zambelli - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (3):521-530.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Present Trends of French Philosophical ThoughtAlexandre Koyré and Paola ZambelliThe paper that is published here for the first time was read to the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research by Alexandre Koyré, probably during one of his first trips to the United States as a visiting professor in the fall of 1946 or in the fall of 1950. 1 Given its content and the secondary (...)
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    The In/visible Woman: Mariangela Ardinghelli and the Circulation of Knowledge between Paris and Naples in the Eighteenth Century.Paola Bertucci - 2013 - Isis 104 (2):226-249.
    Mariangela Ardinghelli is remembered as the Italian translator of two texts by the Newtonian physiologist Stephen Hales, Haemastaticks and Vegetable Staticks. This essay shows that her role in the Republic of Letters was by no means limited to such work. At a time of increasing interest in the natural history of the areas around Naples, she became a reliable cultural mediator for French travelers and naturalists. She also acted as an informal foreign correspondent for the Paris Academy of Sciences, connecting (...)
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  30.  18
    Europe as a nation? Intellectuals and debate on Europe in the inter-war period.Paola Cattani - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (6):674-682.
    ABSTRACTIn 1933, a number of European intellectuals among whom Paul Valéry, Johan Huizinga, Julien Benda, Hermann von Keyserling, met in Madrid and in Paris to discuss the identity and history of Europe under the initiative of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. During the symposia, the participants try to define a common European narrative beyond national differences, and some of them evoke the idea of a European ‘homeland’ or ‘nation’, as already advocated in those years (...)
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    Le concept d’espace chez Veronese.Paola Cantù - 2009 - Philosophia Scientiae 13 (2):129-149.
    Giuseppe Veronese (1854-1917) est connu pour ses études sur les espaces à plusieurs dimensions ; moins connus sont les écrits « philosophiques », qui concernent les fondements de la géométrie et des mathématiques et qui expliquent les raisons pour la construction d’une géométrie non-archimédienne (une dizaine d’années avant David Hilbert) et la formulation d’un concept de continu, qui contient des éléments infinis et infiniment petits. L’article esquissera quelques traits saillants de son épistémologie et analysera le rapport entre géométrie et intuition (...)
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    Guilt and Repentance: Kant on the Experience of Moral Responsibility in the Retrospective Evaluation of Actions.Paola Gamberini - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 233-244.
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  33.  5
    Drogas e dependência química.Paola de Andrade Porto & Thiago Soares Porto Drummond - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7379.
    Este artigo analisa a evolução normativa e a urgência da temática da dependência química no Brasil, à luz da Constituição Federal de 1988 e da Lei de Drogas (Lei nº 11.343/2006) e da Lei que instituiu a Política Antimanicomial (Lei nº. 10.216/2001). Aborda os desafios da judicialização, a desigualdade no acesso ao tratamento entre o sistema público e privado, a persistência do estigma social e a necessidade de aprimoramento da legislação. A pesquisa defende a necessidade de uma abordagem baseada em (...)
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  34. Medisin som poiesis. Om forholdet mellom klinisk og teoretisk kunnskap.Paola de Cuzzani - 2003 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 38 (1-2):5-9.
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    Non haec Calliope, non haec mihi cantat Apollo: Prop. 2,1 e il papiro di Gallo.Paola Gagliardi - 2017 - Hermes 145 (2):159-173.
    In Prop. 2, 1, 3-4 a reply to the verses 6-7 of Gallus can be recognized: in the Propertian text the poetic inspiration comes to the love elegist not from the Muses, but from the puella. The polemical attitude of Propertius towards Gallus is not only here, but also at 2, 13, on the theme of the domina iudex. Ovid will follow Propertius in making the puella the only inspiration for his poetry.
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    Une anthropologie de l'homme décentré.Paola De Cuzzani - 2002 - Philosophiques 29 (1):7-21.
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    Programa de educación emocional: “Aventurémonos en familia”.Ana Rita Russo de Sánchez, Liceth Paola Reales Silvera & Diana Paola Mayor Molinares - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-16.
    Programa Aventurémonos en Familia, busca generar un espacio para el reconocimiento, la regulación y la recuperación emocional de los niños, niñas, jóvenes y sus familias en medio de la crisis presentada por la Covid-19, y que se encuentran inmersos en contextos de violencia. Es un Programa de educación emocional, orientado a promover la salud mental y la funcionalidad familiar. En el marco de su implementación se desarrolló una investigación mixta con 159 cuidadores y 139 niñas y niñas de los departamentos (...)
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    La recaudación de impuestos en Egipto romano: la violencia contra los contribuyentes.Paola Druille - 2023 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 27 (2):69-92.
    El objeto de nuestro trabajo es analizar los testimonios que muestran la violencia contra los contribuyentes durante la recaudación de impuestos en Egipto romano del siglo I d.C. Con este propósito, dividiremos el estudio en dos partes. En la primera, indagaremos _De Specialibus Legibus_ 2.92-95 y 3.159-163 de Filón de Alejandría en relación con los edictos de los prefectos. Aquí examinaremos especialmente los métodos de tortura junto con las acciones vinculadas con los funcionarios de gobierno, como los ἐκλογισταί. En la (...)
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    Las emociones en lostratados legislativosde Filón y las concepcionesdel legado estoico.Paola Druille - 2024 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 28 (2):1-27.
    A partir de la problemática de la cuestión de las emociones en tratados legislativos de Filón de Alejandría y su relación con el legado estoico, nuestro estudio se propone indagar espacios poco explorados por la investigación académica. Por un lado, busca ana­lizar la definición de _páthos _en los tratados legislativos de Filón, especialmente en _Spec_. 4.79. Por otro lado, procura examinar la clasificación de las emociones en esos tratados, reflexionando sobre la representación afectiva en el marco de la teoría de (...)
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    «Imaginatio» og demokrati hos Spinoza.Paola de Cuzzani - 2003 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 21 (2-3):137-148.
  41.  17
    Sexualidades Mediáticas En América Latina: Todo Cuerpo Es Político.Paola Bonavitta & Jimena De Garay Hernandez - 2017 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 18:34-61.
    En el presente artículo, exploramos diversos interrogantes relacionados con la construcción de las sexualidades mediáticas mapeando las formas en que los medios masivos de comunicación y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación forman, conforman, crean, re-crean y reproducen las sexualidades hoy, comprendiendo que ninguna sexualización queda por fuera de la política y lo normado. Profundizamos en quiénes son seres sexuados en los medios masivos de comunicación (en adelante, MMC), quiénes tienen derecho a visibilizar su sexualidad y si existen (...)
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    Filosofens yrke: fornuften som mulighet.Paola de Cuzzani & Mirella Pasini - 2008 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 26 (4):118-142.
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    Is Motor Milestone Assessment in Infancy Valid and Scaled Equally Across Sex, Birth Weight, and Gestational Age? Findings From the Millennium Cohort Study.Denise de Almeida Maia, Farid Bardid, Tobias Koch, Paola Okuda, George Ploubidis, Anders Nordahl-Hansen, Michael Eid & Hugo Cogo-Moreira - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Is the assessment of motor milestones valid and scaled equivalently for all infants? It is not only important to understand if the way we use gross and fine motor scores are appropriate for monitoring motor milestones but also to determine if these scores are confounded by specific infant characteristics. Therefore, the aim of the study is to investigate the latent structure underlying motor milestone assessment in infancy and measurement invariance across sex, birth weight, and gestational age. For this study, the (...)
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  44. La e la guerra. Lettere inedite di Durkheim.G. De Paola & R. Ragghaianti - 1996 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 75:223-265.
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    I sermoni di Abelardo per le monache del Paracleto.Paola De Santis & Paola Desantis - 2002 - Leuven: Leuvan University Press.
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    Le débat en anthropologie urbaine et la recherche empirique sur la gouvernance.Paola De Vivo & Nicole G. Albert - 2016 - Diogène n° 251-252 (3):40-56.
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    (1 other version)The Debate in Urban Anthropology and the Development of the Empirical Investigation of Governance.Paola De Vivo - 2016 - Diogenes 63 (3-4):28-38.
    The complexity of our ‘object’ of study, leading to the question ‘what is really the city?’ requires the use of different levels of analyses. At the same time, a way must be found to develop an explanatory model that brings together the knowledge thus produced. The study of governance in the city is necessarily part of any research aimed at investigating empirically the processes regulating the social life. The key implication is to address its impact; a task made particularly complex (...)
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    La genèse et la trace: Derrida lecteur de Husserl et Heidegger.Paola Marrati - 1998 - Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers.
    This book aims at a philosophical reading of Derrida's work through a discussion of the most important issues of Derrida's confrontation with Husserl and Heidegger. The Derridean notions of trace and writing are elaborated as an answer to the difficulties of Husserlian conception of a transcendental genesis; they are also a challenge to the Heideggerian thinking of the originary finitude of Dasein, as well as to the determination of difference as ontological difference.
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    (1 other version)La escucha chamánica de la tierra como curación del alma.Paola Andrea Pérez Gil, Sandy Salgado Soto, Carolina Juyar & Luis Eduardo León Romero - 2020 - Perseitas 9:560-585.
    Ante una ciencia mal-tratada desde su interior, un ojo enajenado y confundido en su visión, un ser humano cansado y desconfiado de la misma explicación, un mundo necesitado de comprensión y cuidado, ante unos cuantos insistentes de vivir en unos tiempos y espacios fragmentados, aparece la necesidad de escuchar de nuevo a lo propio, a lo primero y fundante como fuerza de transformación. Así, las siguientes letras reconocen un camino fenomenológico y contemplativo en la gran madre, la Hytcha Guaia, la (...)
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    Salud mental, afrontamiento y habilidades sociales para personas privadas de la libertad.Paola Andrea Arias Bravo, Orlando Almeida Salinas & Farid Sanchez Torres - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-15.
    La investigación pretende implementar una propuesta de intervención psicológica que fortalezca las estrategias de afrontamiento y habilidades sociales de las personas privadas de la libertad [PPL], internas en el complejo penitenciario y carcelario de Jamundí, que aporte al proceso de resocialización y prevención de conductas disruptivas y suicidas en el marco del programa institucional INPEC “Preservación de la vida”. La metodología cuenta con un enfoque mixto, diseño explicativo secuencial, alcance explicativo – exploratorio de corte transversal. La muestra: conformada por 80 (...)
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